CES 2024: Solecooler: “Climfeet” The Reversible Insole

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Keep Your Feet Warm in Cold Environment and Cool in Hot Environment: Climfeet by Solecooler

At CES 2024, SoleCooler, a French Startup, has presented their sustainable cooling technology to keep your feet warm in cold environments. Their product “ClimFeet” is claimed a reversible sole that can act as a climate controller for your shoes.

The reversible insole is based on the thermodynamic principle of the Carnot cycle, like an air conditioner but instead of liquid, air is used as the fluid in this system. The below video depicts the principle behind this technology:

Who will benefit from this technology?

  • Professional or amateur athletes
  • Workers in cold storage warehouses, construction & public works
  • Military personnel or firefighters,
  • And even animals

Feet are the most exposed parts to cold or heat as they are in direct contact with the ground. Putting CLIMFEET in your shoes will allow you to better regulate their temperature. Only a thermoregulation device that uses the energy from your steps can help keep your feet warm or cool without any time limit (as long as you walk or run)

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